Termite infestations can wreak havoc not only on the structural integrity of homes but also on the mental well-being of homeowners. Termite companies that misrepresent infestations or that fail to get rid of infestations can worsen this mental stress. The constant...
termite infestations
Formosan termites may be spreading thanks to climate change
The job, the marriage and the house — everything seems to be coming together. But as you look to build and protect your new home and family, you know that one particular insect could quickly eat holes through everything you’ve built. Termites have long been a problem...
What are the different types of termites?
Alabama homeowners deal with all kinds of nuisances, but termites can be a serious issue with long-lasting effects. According to Pestworld.org, there are more than 2,000 different termite species in the world, although only a few pose real threats to homeowners in the...
Termites may destroy your home’s curb appeal
When you bought your new home, you likely fell in love with its floorplan, windows and overall style. Of course, if you notice termites feasting on floorboards, destroying moldings or weakening foundations, your thrill of home ownership may turn to despair....
Was your new home built to prevent termites?
Did you recently build a new home in Alabama? Do you know if that home was built with termite prevention in mind? Existing homes can take preventative measures against termites, but the best termite prevention begins at the start. How can you prevent termites in a new...
4 Signs you have termites in your home
Termites are every homeowner's worst nightmare. Termites cost homeowners billions of dollars in property damage each year. It is important to look for common signs of termites, in order to detect them right away and prevent the damage from getting worse. The four most...
What are the signs of termite infestation?
You love your new home. You have been settling in nicely and you love having people over. There is just one thing: You suspect that your house may be infested by termites. Before you received your keys to the house, you did a final walk-through with your real estate...