Termite infestation. Two words that strike fear into the hearts of homeowners and buyers in Alabama and throughout the country. Despite their small size, a termite colony may wreak havoc on your home, causing substantial damage that may require you to make significant repairs to your home.
Termite damage may affect a home’s aesthetics, or worse, its structural integrity. In addition to potentially ruining walls, flooring, carpeting and furniture, termites may also cause the appearance of water damage. Structurally, termite damage may lead to buckling of walls, compromised floor joists and roofing collapses.
Left uncontrolled, some species of termites may cause significant damage within a couple of years. Other species, however, may live unchecked for many years before they cause irreparable damage to a home. Conducting regular inspections may help you spot an infestation early and remediate the issue before the damage gets severe and expensive.
Before making any repairs to your home for termite damage, you must ensure the termite colony’s eradication. Professional pest inspectors may help you treat your home to get rid of the infestation, while a licensed termite inspection technician may check your home to confirm the termites were completely eliminated. In addition, if you have a repair contract then the company must see the damage prior to any repair work being done.