Does homeowners insurance cover termite damage?

If you have wondered why it is important for Termite companies to do a good job when eradicating termites from your home or reporting infestations, it is because the Termite company might be the only protection you have if you have an infestation of termites.  Even though you may have what you consider to be a quality homeowner’s insurance policy, homeowners insurance does not cover all forms of damage to your home, including termite damage.

The impact of a termite infestation can rack up hefty home repair costs. Unfortunately, as Realtor explains, a homeowners insurance policy will not come through for you if a termite company misses an infestation during a home inspection.

Homeowners insurance and termite damage

Homeowners insurance covers damage that a property owner cannot anticipate. Storm damage is something that you have very little control over. Homeowners insurance may also cover calamities like a fire at your home or if your residence takes flood damage. Any coverages afforded by Homeowners insurance are subject to certain conditions set forth in the policy.

But homeowners insurance does not cover “avoidable” damage. Insurance companies deem termite damage preventable because a homeowner can have a termite company inspect the home to find signs of infestations before termites can cause major damage. Insurers also believe that homeowners should proactively take steps to maintain their homes so that they do not attract termites.

Collateral damage

In the event termites destabilize a part of your home, causing a wall or ceiling to collapse, it is conceivable that the homeowners policy might cover the wall or ceiling under a collateral damage provision. It is also possible that if you have a roof leak or some other type of sudden occurrence, homeowners insurance could cover some of the damage. However, your policy will still not cover the part of the home directly damaged by termites.

Termite protection

For the reasons set forth above, it is important that all homeowners have a contract for the protection against termites which not only requires treatment, but also which requires repair of any termite related damage, as this may be the only protection available in the event of a termite infestation.

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